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Traveling with Toddlers: 7 Must Have Items to Survive a Long Flight


Look, they're probably going to lose it at some point, but these 7 items might just prevent a total meltdown at 30,000 feet.

After "surviving" our 4 hour flight to Portland and a short-ish drive to the coast, we made it to Cannon Beach, Oregon. Isabel's 3 year old (pictured here) was in heaven.

Ok, here's the deal: if you're taking a 45 min or even a 1 hour long flight, I say pull out that iPad, and enjoy a complimentary beverage or even a snooze while your kid catches up on the latest episode of PJ Masks or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Truthfully, everyone is happy in that situation.

However, last year we took a family vacation to Hawaii. That's right folks, we took a 1 year old, a 2 year old and a 3 year old on a 6 hour flight to Kauai. And both Luisa and I knew, the iPads were not going to cut it for our kids. So, below you will find our 7 Must Have items for surviving a LONG flight with toddlers.

gel clings on an airplane window
These gel clings were clutch on our 6 hour flight to Kauai.

1. Gel Clings

Gel clings (you can find them year-round at the Target Dollar Spot) are a great way to keep a toddler busy. They're cheap and and the clean up is easy! I always buy two sets - one for the flight over and one for the flight back, because once you're toddler has put them all over the windows, tray table (and sometimes between the seats - ugh) you're not going to want to hold on to those suckers. Trash 'em on you're way out and open a new pack on your trip back.

2. Washi Tape (and hot wheels or small figurines)

This is one of our favorites. It requires some parental participation, but don't worry, they'll be teenagers soon and they won't want you to look at them, so eat it up! Fortunately, within the last few years, washi tape has become easily accessible and super cheap. You can find it at the Dollar Tree or your favorite craft or hobby store. It's imortant you use washi tape because it has a wax-y finish which allows it to be removed and used without leaving any residue. For my race-car obsessed son, we create racetracks and buildings all over his tray table (see photo below). For a child who loves playing house, create a little home with a bed and a bath right on your child's tray table, and even a pool in the backyard. The options are endless and you can toss the tape out when the last trash collection comes through before landing. It's takes up like zero space in your travel bag but packs a deadly play punch!

washi tape toddler activity on an airplane tray table.
Washi Tape City for the win!

3. Play Doh

The fact is, play doh is fun. You'll need to keep an eye out with this one to make sure things don't get too crumbly and unruly. Again, I take only two containers - one for the way over and one for the way back. Letting your toddler create flowers, people, airplanes and really anything he/she wants is a great way to pass the time on a long flight (and super soothing for an anxious parent too). And, you can add it to your washi tape village for some added fun (think, volcano or pool slide).

4. Books

This might be obvious, but for whatever reason, I think we can tend to forget this one when packing for a family vacation. I have learned that grabbing a few lightweight paperback books is a great way for our toddlers to relax on the plane when they're over the iPad, but still needing a little "chill time." Plus, if your kid is accustomed to a getting a book before bedtime, you'll have some on hand to make him feel more at home.

5. Small Dry Erase Board (with a dry erase marker)

Tic-tac-toe, hangman, drawing, letter recognition, counting... the possibilities are endless. You can pick one up at the Dollar Tree for a buck. No wasted paper. No fuss. So easy.

6. Suckers

Ok, if you've got kids like ours, they sometimes struggle with the pressure in their ears during the ascension/descension of the flight. When we were in the breastfeeding stage, it was easy - boob on the way up, boob on the way down. Now, we've resorted to a different type of sucking... (sorry too far?)... SUCKERS! And it works every time - No tears going up or down! I buy the sugar-y delicious ones, but Luisa swears by the all-natural - all- fruit suckers from Trader Joes. Either way, pack 'em!

DISCLAIMER: Know your child, hard candy can be dangerous and a choking hazard, If you're child is not able to handle hard candy safely, try a a yummy drink with a straw.

child watching iPad on an airplane
When all else fails... the trusty iPad comes out.

7. iPad

I mean, it's a must. And don't forget the headphones (for the sake of your co-passangers). Download videos and kid shows beforehand in case the wifi is down. I've learned from experience. A bad experience. A really, really bad experience.

ONE LAST THING... Don't be afraid to travel! If you're kid has a meltdown on the flight, they have a meltdown. Who cares?! You'll never see those grumpy strangers again (well maybe at baggage claim... but whatever)! Half of them have kids of their and have been through what you're going through. We are firm believers that teaching your children to travel is a life skill. If you can, travel early and often with your children. It will pay off in the long run. And you'll go from dreading those crazy travel days, to embracing and even enjoying them! Good luck and safe travels!



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