Halloween for these sisters starts September 1st, but we totally understand if you're just not there yet. So we're just going to ease in here...

Isabel created this moon phases garland to complete her Halloween mantel, but it certainly could be used year round for a magical touch to any room or space.

To make, you will need
- Oven-bake clay
- Rolling pin
- Biscuit or cookie cutter
- Toothpick or pen
- String
- Mini star cutter (optional)
Roll out your clay and cut out 7 full circles. Keep one whole. Using your biscuit cutter, cut the remaining six circles into "waxing, "waning," "crescent," etc. To be honest, we just totally eyeballed it. But if you want to get precise, feel free to Google it! Next, using a sharp tool (like a toothpick or pen), create a small hole at the top of each moon. This is where you will tie your string. If you desire, cut stars into your full moon. You can find a mini star cutter in the clay aisle at your favorite craft store or on Amazon. Or, if you're a pro, feel free to free-hand it using your toothpick or pen. Next, place in the oven and bake according to your clay's baking instructions. Ours called for 15 minutes on 275 degrees.

Allow to cool and string your yarn or ribbon through the holes. Hang and enjoy.

I don't know about you, but I think these moons were just what this mantel was missing!