This little fortune teller costume is scary easy... just don't blame us if your little one puts a spell on you!

To make this costume, you will need:
- star confetti ($1.00 @ Dollar Tree)
- craft snow globe ($1.00 @ Dollar Tree)
- silver paint ($1.00 @ Dollar Tree)
- chapstick or vaseline ($1.00 @ Dollar Tree)
- water
- shiny scarf (we didn't have one so we picked up some sparkly fabric from Joanns)
To make the crystal ball, fill the empty snow globe with water and squirt some silver paint in it.

Put the lid on and shake it up.

Wrap your little one's head with a shiny scarf, and add the star confetti to their cheeks using petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or chapstick to make it stick. Give the crystal ball a shake and wait for the magic!
