Cacti are all the rage these days. For us, growing up in the Southwest, we've always had a complex relationship with them... Let's just say, one of us never recovered from the famous "fall of '95.” Good news: THIS cactus won't prick! Follow the instructions below, to make this oh so sweet (and not at all pokey) cactus costume.

You will need:
- a green shirt - we found one for $3.48 @ Walmart
- white yarn - $2.00 Joanns (with coupon)
- pink headband - 4 pack @ Dollar Tree
- 1/4 yd. pink tulle - $0.50 Joanns
- pink thread (and needle) - $1.00 Joanns
To make the shirt:
Thread your yarn through an embroidery needle and make one stitch through the shirt.

Pull the yarn through the stitch.

Tie a knot.

Trim the yarn.

Repeat sporadically throughout the shirt, including the arms.

To make the cactus flower headband:
Cut pink tulle into multiple 3 inch strips.

Layer the strips on top of each other (we ended up with about six layers) and begin sewing a basting stitch loosely through the layers.

Once you've stitched entirely across the layers, pull the thread to gather the strips.

Form the gathered layers into a circle (remember you're making a flower) and wrap the thread around the base.

Separate the layers, creating a full flower.

Trim any pieces that are too long.

Attach to the headband, using your needle and thread.
