Listen, we all love dunking those slippery suckers in bowls of colorful vinegar, don't we?... OR DO WE? Well, if you DON'T, here are some alternative ways to decorate your Easter eggs this year!

1. Washi tape - it's cute, it's cheap and it's available at your favorite craft store (look at this cute bundle available at Hobby Lobby). The decorating options are endless, and if you make a mistake - peel it off and try again!

2. Tattoos - we put temporary tattoos on pretty much anything they'll stick to. And guess what? They work great on Easter eggs! Make sure the egg is clean and dry. You'll need to hold the cloth a bit longer on the egg than you might be used to on the body, but be patient - it will stick! We used the Sweet Doodles set from Ducky Street and couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out.

3. Flowers - you can make your own flowers using tissue or construction paper, but we just opted for some pre-made paper flowers from Hobby Lobby. Glue the flowers to the egg, add some stems using a green marker or watercolor pen and you're done! These sweet little eggs will make you want to give them a sniff. But don't. Because they just smell like egg.

4. Simple Stamps - stamp a phrase or a symbol for a super cute personalized egg. Hosting an Easter brunch? Stamp names on your eggs and use them as place settings. The options are endless, and feel free to get creative (we added ears to our "Hoppy Easter" egg for an added embellishment).

5. Pipe-cleaners - Calm down, everyone. This egg isn't dyed. It's just cage-free! Wrap a white pipe-cleaner around it from bottom to top, and give it a twist to secure. Fashion two loops for bunny ears, and twist them again. Add a face, and you've got yourself a sweet little bunny egg (or a guy with a toothache). It's really up to you.

6. Gems - and when all else fails... BEDAZZLE IT!! Seriously though, does anyone else really miss using their childhood Bedazzler? I do. So, any opportunity I have to give something some bling, I take it!! And why not? Eggs are just begging to be-dazzled, aren't they? Have fun with this one. You won't be sorry.