This blog is a love letter.
A few years ago, my sister and I discussed starting a blog. Actually, she told me I should start a blog (I wrangled her into doing it with me). But at the time, I just didn't feel like I had much to say. Fast forward a couple of years, a few toddlers, a couple of moves and a handful of trips to the ER, and let's just say... together, we've got some things to share. And while our opinions differ on many, MANY topics, we balance each other out pretty perfectly. We learn from the other's mistakes, we share and rejoice in the other's successes, we laugh when the other falls... but we're quick to pull her up when we're done laughing. Most importantly, we encourage each other on the biggest of #momfail, #wifefail, #sisterfail, #daughterfail days, which I hate to admit, happen pretty often around here.
Truthfully, though, this blog is a love letter. It's a love letter to our parents, who modeled unconditional love (even during those teenage years when we absolutely did not deserve it). Thanks mom and dad, you were right about everything. Literally, everything. It's a love letter to our husbands. We love you guys and we love the miniature mongrels living under our roofs, even though most days we are convinced you created them alone, which is why we say things like, "your son spilled the milk again." However, assuming our kids do have some of our genes, we hope you're proud of the way we've helped raise them during these formative years, and we're looking forward to the chapters that follow. It's a love letter to our kids. Maybe one day they'll look back on this blog and say, "you guys were nuts, but you loved us and you sure weren't afraid to get your hands dirty." And finally, it's a love letter to each other. Because even if you don't have a sister, you've got that girl in your life... maybe it's a mom, a cousin, a friend. That one who knows the deepest parts of you. She's the one that listens when no one else will. She also talks too much and offers totally unwanted (but very much needed) guidance. She feels like home. She's the one your husband calls for advice on how to handle you when you're being crazy. She knows exactly what to say and when to say it. She isn't perfect, and neither are you - but together you make a pretty great team.
So, sister, this love letter is for you.
I’m not crying you’re crying